
China Tries to Control Its Technology Future and Its Impacts


In the tech world, two of the most important themes have a lot to do with politics and governance. These two themes are trade and regulation. For a while now, people have been penning about regulations.  However, the rift on trade has made the subject even more interesting.

The trade war between China and the US has allowed China to accelerate its technological advancement process. One debate that goes around is the development of a new mobile phone operating system. Huawei plans to make one such operating system, which will be an offshoot of the Android. This new operating system might succeed in most developing countries.

The technological eco-system in China is unique. US-based software companies don’t stand much of a chance to compete within China. On the reasons behind the USA’s tech failure in China is their doubling down on China-made products. This allows China to increase their expertise and then expand on the global front.

China’s deep penetration in all areas of technology with a strict focus on verticalization will make it tough for outsiders to compete with them in their country. China’s vertical tech implementation might be the first time a business strategy is applied to an entire nation and its proprietary technology. With 5G, its infrastructure of network, the software it owns and the custom-built silicon; China can bring the world to its knees.

Considering the current scenario, China will want to spread this technology to other parts of the world. It will be fairly interesting to watch Huawei reach more challenging markets. For Huawei, penetrating Europe and India will be a hard task. However, Africa is one such market where Huawei can get in easily. Furthermore, Huawei has been eying this territory not only for its Smartphone but for network infrastructure as well.

African countries and some countries in Asia are where this new android variation will prove successful. The integration of 5G network technology, android variation, and Chinese Smartphone hardware will allow China to expand on the global front. On the other hand, easy access to technology will make the country’s security more questionable.

The question is, what happens if countries like India manage to catch up with China’s full-stack tech verticalization? Will India, one of the fastest-growing technology markets in the world, allow China to take a share of their market? Or will India plan to verticalize on its own? Only time will tell.

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